Raspberry Pi 3 Setup

It has arrived, in three shiny boxes from Amazon. Time for the initial Raspberry Pi setup. First decision, do I unplug my computer…

The Internet of Things

It is a big buzz word right now and will probably continue to be for some years to come as the Internet of…


When times are hard, it is human nature to want someone or something to blame. It could be argued that we have never…

Universal Basic Income

Universal Basic Income or UBI for short, has a growing number of advocates. Much has been written about this subject over the past…

Birkbeck Photography – New site launch

It has been long overdue. My photography site, www.birkbeckphotography.eu, has been due a make-over for several years. Designs have changed over the years…


Plans are gathering, SpaceX have announced their BFR/BFS architecture and an aspirational set of dates for “boots on the ground on Mars”. In…